Who is RSS
- Retail Sales Solutions (RSS) is a nationwide distributor of licensed products. Our primary focus is Sports and Entertainment.
- RSS was established in 2005 and had been a partner of Target since 2012. Currently, we work with D207, D323, and D87 (entertainment, toys, collectable, sports). We do work with D47 in a small way but see a great opportunity to partner on a larger scale.
- We provide programs in a variety of forms: Inline, Off-shelf displays, Clip strips, and dotcom.
How RSS can help
- Decades of experience in the Sports Licensed world.
- We are a true turn-key solution. With RSS you can manage your business with one meeting, one phone call, one PO instead of filling your calendar with dozens of different vendors.
Since RSS is not a Manufacturer
- We are not focused on the top 10 items from just one company, we are focused top curate best 20-30 items from the whole market spectrum.
- Our only interest is the best items for you! not moving slow sellers in our warehouse or tired items that are in every retailer in the country.
- We work closely with all licensors and only carry official licensed product.
- We have years of experience in all the best categories for team products: Tailgate, Collectible Figures, Drinkware, Office/Back-to-School, Automotive, Home Décor, Electronics, Female-focused and many more.